Saturday, July 18, 2015

Change Cursor on Web pages

Another tutorial here...

For those wondering if you can customize cursors in your website or blogs, you can absolutely do that!

I have configured my page to use these customize cursors:
 My regular navigating cursor to match my bunny icons. :a51:

Ex 1: From site's tutorial: (Put inside <HEAD>....</HEAD> tag)
<style type="text/css">
body{cursor:url(, url(, auto;}
Ex 2: My blog codes: (so it covers hover on links - I put it inside <BODY>...</BODY> tag)
<style type='text/css'>
body, a, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress;}
 Cursor for navigating on images.

My blog codes: (I put it inside <BODY>...</BODY>  tag). 
I've read from forums and sites that this can be added in body tag only. Not really sure but I added mine in BODY tag.
<style type='text/css'>
img {cursor: url(, progress;}
 Cursor for navigating on page links.

My blog codes: (I put it inside <HEAD>....</HEAD> tag)
#nav li a:hover 
{ cursor: url(, progress; } 
Your options:
A. You can put it inside head tag.
B. You can put it inside body tag.
C. You can put it in CSS stylesheet.

Bunny cursor:
Usagi cursors: